Immigrating to Canada and becoming a licensed, practising geoscientist can be a long and difficult process for many. In this section, Geoscientists Canada provides a series of resources to help you better understand the regulatory and working environment.
Coming to Canada
Why Canada?
Working and Immigrating
Regulated Professions in Canada
Help through Micro Loans
Settlement Support
Pre-Arrival Services
Geology impacts peoples’ lives locally all around the world, including: where people can safely build homes and live, soil composition and fertility, where key infrastructure can be placed, and the location and availability of all the Earth resources vital for sustainable development - metals, energy, earth materials or water. Canada is no different! This page will introduce you to geoscience in Canada, including general geoscience information and the practice of professional geoscience.
Geoscience in Canada
Regulatory Bodies
Geoscience Practice Areas
Some Testimonials
The Job Market
This section of the website provides you with further information about applying for a professional geoscientist (P.Geo.) licence.
Getting your Licence
Geoscientist Licensure in Canada
P.Geo. Requirements
Academic Training
Work Experience
Language Proficiency
Document requirements
Third-party Assessments
"Canadian" Experience
The Professional Practice Exam
Once a P.Geo. licence has been granted it must be maintained. This section describes some of a professional geoscientist's obligations to maintain a licence.
Maintaining a Licence
Code of Ethics
This section provides resources for you to learn more about the professional geoscientist licencing process and requirements, about geoscience in Canada, and about many of the geoscience industry groups and learned societies. Here you will also find Geoscience in Canada fact sheets in several languages.
Professional Geoscience Licensure
Funded by the Government of Canada'sForeign Credential Recognition Program
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